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사람의 성격을 표현하는 단어들 모음 3
Name   :   운영자    (작성일 : 15-08-18 00:00:00 / Hit : 2083)


1. Charismastic   - 카리스마있는


(somebody who attracts other people, and who is good at getting people's attention)

(상대방을 끄는 매력이 있으며 사람들의 주의를 끄는데 매우 쉬운 사람)


예문 : Barack Obama is a very charismatic politician.






2. dependable - 믿을만한, 틀림없는


(an adjective used to describe someone who is very reliable)  

(누군가 매우 믿을만하고 기댈만한 사람)


예문: Ruth is very dependable. She always keeps her promises.






3.  extroverted - 외향적인


( someone who is very outgoing)

(매우 외향적인 사람)


예문 : Dave is very extroverted. He's always the life and soul of the party!






4.  impulsive - 충동적인


(an adjective used to describe someone who acts before thinking) 

(생각없이 행동이 앞서는 사람) 


예문 : Lucy can be a bit impulsive. He doesn't always think before he acts.






5. introverted - 내성적인


(someone who is quiet and shy)

(매우 수줍음이 많고 조용한 사람)


예문 : Kimberly is quite introverted. She doesn't really enjoy parties.







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