
현지에서 통하는 영어 말하기, 에듀메이트에서 시작하세요.

칭찬과 격려표현
Name   :   김동환    (작성일 : 13-08-07 00:00:00 / Hit : 519)

아이들 칭찬해줄때 다양한 표현 쓰시나요?

전 늘 Good job! 정도 쓰는데...

다양한 표현들 찾아보았습니다^^

저도 익혀서 매일 써 보려구요~

칭찬보다 더 좋은 약은 없는거 같아요...


잘 했을때......

That's very good.


Well done.

Very fine.

That's nice.

I like that.


Fantastic.(이말은 잘 안나오더군요^^)

That's perfectly correct.

Your pronunciation is very good(발음이 참 좋구나)

Excellent! All of you are really good singers.(아주 좋아! 모두 노래를 정말 잘하네)



Not really.

Try it again.

Have another try.

It's OK. Anybody can make a mistake.

(괜찮아 누구나 실수는 한단다)

It's not shameful to make a mistake.

I'm afraid that's not quite right.

Good try. but not  quite right.

Could be.

It depends.

Well, that all depends, doesn't it?


격려의 표현

If you practice it, you can do it.

Now, it does not matter even thought you cannot write numbers fast.

(숫자 쓰기는 빨리 못해도 괜찮아)

That's better.

That's much better.

That's a lot better.

You have made a lot of progress.

You're getting better than befor.






회사소개    |    개인정보취급방    |    이용약관


대표자 : 한미영 / 정보관리자 : 한미영 / 상담전화 : 1800-7684 / 상담시간 : 10:00~19:00 (점심시간13:00~14:00)

주소 : 경기도 남양주시 별내중앙로 26, 진영엔타워 5층  / 사업자등록번호 : 107-87-87987

통신판매업신고번호 : 제2013-서울광진-0615호  /  이메일 : admin@edu-mate.kr

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